Recent Posts

  • Track 15: Two-Person Love Triangle

    In this episode, Ellen and Mal welcome Destiel author bendingsignpost to discuss fics in which Dean and Cas find themselves in a two-person love triangle (or rectangle!) situation—that is, in which they meet each other online or on the phone, without realising they have met face to face as well. The fics discussed include Waiting on a Signal by CBFirestarter and TrenchcoatBaby, Go Down With This Ship by PorcupineGirl, and Four Letter Word For Intercourse by bendingsignpost.

  • Track 14: Only One Bed!

    In this episode, Ellen and Mal discuss fics in which Dean and Cas find themselves having to share a bed. The fics discussed include Human Error by jemariel, Lammas Night by pherryt, and Dean Winchester Doesn't Listen To Eurythmics by Annie D.

  • Track 13: Space Gays

    In this episode, Ellen and Mal welcome author Imogenbynight to discuss fics based in space. The fics discussed include Dark Side of the Moon by imogenbynight, The Parts of Our Sum by Annie D, Untethered by TheTwistedWillow and skies of powdered gold by casfallsinlove.

  • Track 12: Endverse

    In this episode, Ellen and Mal welcome author Castielslostwings to discuss fics based around the Supernatural episode, season 5, episode 4: The End, affectionately known as Endverse. The fics discussed include After the End by Castielslostwings, Hope is a Living Thing by Whichstiel, and the Down to Agincourt series by seperis.

  • Track 11: Soulmates

    In this episode, Ellen and Mal welcome author Desirae to discuss fics where Dean and Castiel are soulmates. The fics discussed include Below Deck by Desirae, Don't Look Back by goldenraeofsun, Stripes and Stitches by tiamatv and Syncopation by K_K_TiBal.

  • Track 10: Bakery AU

    In this episode, Ellen and Mal welcome author MandalaRose to discuss fics set in alternative universes where Dean and/or Cas are bakers, and also discuss the art of commenting. The fics discussed include Cupcakes and Kittens by MandalaRose, I’ll Cross the Sky for You by superhoney, and The Way To A Man’s Heart by LicieOIC.

  • Track 9: Favorites of 2020

    In this episode, Ellen and Mal take a look back at 2020 and recommend some of their favorite reads of the year.

  • Track 8: Festive fic

    In this episode, the Holidays are just around the corner. Ellen and MalMuses would like to recommend some fluffy festive fic to you this week! We review three fics: Christmas In July by followyourenergy, The Bad Santa Clause by various authors, and Snow Place Like Home (But My Home Is With You) by almaasi.

  • Track 7: Wing Fic

    In this episode, we continue our journey into Supernatural's canon verse with a look at Wing fic, and we welcome one of our favorite fan artists and wing enthusiasts, LizLee to join us. We review three fics: Grooming Instincts by jemariel, In All Your Borrowed Finery by vanishingact, and The Care and Feeding of Castiel by MalMuses and lizleeships.

  • Track 6: Post-Canon

    In this episode, we welcome a special guest, andimeantittosting, to discuss how fanfiction may change (if at all) now that Supernatural season 15 has ended. We review three fics: Welcome to Pine Shores! by andimeantittosting, take the long way home by dothraki_shieldmaiden, and Tall Grass by aeli_kindara.